Built on Bigbelly’s fundamentally better bin, the Smart Max hides waste in plain sight with its enclosed Hopper disposal interface. The Smart Max is equipped with a compactor and sensors that monitor and report fullness level, collection activity, bin status, and GPS location; which is communicated to Bigbelly’s CLEAN™ Management Console.

How It Works

Built on Bigbelly’s fundamentally better bin, the Smart Max hides waste in plain sight with its enclosed Hopper disposal interface. The Smart Max is equipped with a compactor and sensors that monitor and report fullness level, collection activity, bin status, and GPS location; all information is communicated to Bigbelly’s CLEAN™ Management Console. With a capacity of 570L+, the Smart Max holds 5x more waste than a traditional bin. The Smart Max can be deployed standalone, or combined with any other Bigbelly bin to form a multi-stream kiosk.


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